1036 Ridgecrest Dr., Dickson, TN 37055
, County Wexford, Ireland
Miles McKee Ministries
Thanks Miles! Your words about the Truth of Jesus and His Love and Grace are what we all need to live and apply in our daily lives!!
Las Vegas, USA
Thanks for the great sentiments man of God. We really miss you so much here at Redemption House M in Kenya !!!
Pastor J W.
Kenya, Africa
Thanks for the teaching and this is interesting truth. i will share this truth here in our fellowship.
God bless you,
Pastor B.V.
Amen and praise God. This is very powerful.
Pastor S.N.
Malawi, Africa
He is the ONE! Hallelujah, dear brother Miles/Gillian.
Portadown, N. Ireland
Dear Brother Miles,
I loved reading what you wrote about being washed in the blood of Christ, about how, by the blood, we are identified with Jesus in his death. "Because the blood has been applied to us, we are legally counted as those who have paid the penalty of the broken law." The blood is effectual in these and so many other wonderful ways.
Hawaii, USA
My son was very encouraged by your Wednesday Word. As am I. We were talking about it last night. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Gospel blessings to you.
Oklahoma, USA
Great POST, Miles…. Very encouraging TRUTH SUCCINCTLY stated…. With Clarity… Very LUCID…. BIBLE TRUTH!
N. Carolina USA
Thank you for your faithfulness in telling of GOD’s faithfulness as told in His Word!
Alabama USA
Amen Brother Miles. Thank you for your faithfulness in proclaiming the Gospel. The Wednesday Word has blessed me and my family many many times.
Trusting that you and your family are doing well.
Love in Christ
J. G.
Florida USA
Read you every week… Thanks for your Wed in the Word.
S. G.
N. Carolina USA
February 9, 2023
So happy and praise God for you and what you do here in India with many tribal pastors as well with Parshu brother and grace children Home ……so happy and blessed to get Wednesday word …every Sunday and some times when I go for evangelism and share gospels I use your simple and peaceful grace word.
Pastor S.A.
AP India
June 29, 2022
I don't always respond when I love one of your messages, but I can't help myself today.
I agree with God's assessment of Jesus. I am well-
What a wonderful word!
What a wonderful God!
What a wonderful Savior!
My soul soars to the heavens on the wings of grace and finds rest in His everlasting arms.
Blessings Miles.
B B, Texas, USA
We appreciate the work you’re doing for our Saviour and the clear simple gospel teaching we read from Br. Miles.
In Christ,
S and M
Florida, USA
February 2, 2022
Brother Miles,
I’m reading through your Blood of Christ book. Wonderful. I’m going to lead a small group through it, beginning Thursday.
Perhaps you could write a sentence to our group-
Florida, USA.
January 20, 2022
What a blessed and victorious message. By grace I will share in our churches here. God bless you more and give you more power.
Pastor B K
January 9, 2022
I wanted to tell you that you have an amazing way to get a BIG point across,,,,,,,,,,in very SMALL amount of words. I've loved your messages all the way back to my Connecticut day's when I listened to "AND THAT'S THE GOSPEL TRUTH"
S Mc
N Ireland
December 9, 2021
Hi, Miles!
Thank you so much for your regular Wednesday Word. It is always a great blessing, and this week’s Word, “The Unspeakable Christ”, is especially precious. We have an amazing Saviour!
May our gracious God continue to bless and use you for His great glory.
Christian love,
Valmai Bearham
November 23, 2021
Thank you so much Sir! It was God's given privilege to translate precious Gospel Truths that every pastor and every believer should know. If we don't get your teaching still we would have been in ligalism. we always praise God that He opened our eyes through your teaching. thank you again Sir.
Yours in His Grace
Pastor Y.D.
Andhra Pradesh, India
November 9, 2021
My 98 year old mother-
October 21, 2021
Thank you so much for the Wednesday Word: More Light from Old Windows which is so blessing to me.thank you Sir.
Yours in His Grace
Pastor D.Y.
AP India
October 4, 2021
Thank you Miles, for the podcasts, I have finally managed to get in to listen, my mouthstick doesn't seem to be recognised by my tablet.
Just want to encourage you, by saying these and the Wednesday Word are a Blessing and great teaching to keep me focused on Christ Jesus and not myself, always wanting to "do"something. And as you say truthfully Christ has done it all.
Love and Blessings
N. D.
August 18, 2021
Dear Servants of God,
We are extending our heartfelt regards and greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !
It's our pleasure to receive your weekly journal -
Here I'm introducing one of my missionary friend Ps. Hemant Kumar Naik with you to add him in the weekly journal. His email ID is (WITHELD).
Please pray for our Ministry, which dedicated for the uplifment of the Tribal ethnic groups of Odisha and focusing to reaching out these tribes with the living word of God and some socio-
With much thanks and regards
In His service
Pastor P Prak Sin
Greetings In the Name of our Lord. I hereby do appreciate you for the weekly sermons I receive through the Wednesday word. Am particularly so blessed because of the messages contained in these sermons. My family, congregation and I are so blessed to be part of the recipients of these wonderful messages of the word of God from your ministry. We will continue to pray for you so that Gods word will continue to flourish through The Wednesday Word. Blessings,
Pastor Emmanuel M.A. K
Kampala, Uganda. Africa
Thank you a lot for the Wednesday Word ,it has encouraged me more to trust on the lord and wait on Him and Hope in the lord Jesus Christ.
JWB,Kenya, Africa
‘Did anyone ever tell you what an inspiration you are? Give us a birthday sermon on being inspired in the gospel. You probably do it without even thinking about it. It comes because you yourself are truly inspired. Those who know you know that you are such a gift to us.’
J.E. Texas, USA
‘Thanks for the amazing messages you spread!!!’
M.F. Mississippi, USA
‘You sure are used by God and such a blessing to the Kingdom!!!!’
“ …. your message has really kept us moving in this period of the epidemic.”
O.P. Kampala, Uganda, Africa
Hi my dear pastor, how you are doing there?
Here we are all keeping well.
Thank you for sending me free teachings, I have been enjoying It is finished part one and part two.
May God bless you in your ministry.
I'm praying for you and your ministry.
Pastor JP
Dar Es Salaam Tanzania, Africa
Thank you brother Miles for your efforts to give me the gospel truth every Wednesday. God bless you. It of a great help to the church am serving. Amen. Keep on the light shining brother.
Dear Brother Miles,
Thank you very much for sending us this week Wednesday word on the finished work of Jesus Christ!
He did finished every thing for us!
Amazing Gospel truth!!!
I am so glad to heard from you that you speak always about Jesus !!!
Pastor YD
AP India
Dear Sir ,
Greetings from Hosanna Ministry in the most precious name of Savior Jesus Christ !!
Thank you very much for sending the Wednesday Word , By this I am blessed .May God bless you more and more and use you mightily
For His kingdom sake .
With much thanks and regards
Pastor P P S
Every Wednesday I read your excellent words
Thank you
Y.P.S Colombia, South America
Dear pastor Miles:
Please don’t publish my name
My question to is will God forgive the worst sin I could commit if I really repent and ask his forgiveness Again please don’t publish my name.
S.S. Ireland
Response from Miles:
Hey Dear Brother, thanks for your note. I will not publish your name.
When he forgives us, he does so completely. Our sins are “blotted out,” or erased. (Acts 3:19) God also forgives permanently, for he says: “I will no longer remember their sin.” (Jeremiah 31:34) Once he forgives, he does not rehash our sins in order to accuse us or to punish us again and again. He forgives the worst of sins. He is gracious, kind and merciful. King David of Israel was forgiven for adultery and murder (2 Samuel 12:7-
Sent: 07/10/2020
Every Wednesday I read your excellent words
Thank you
Y.P.S Colombia, South America
Sent: 10 June 2020
thank you for the wonderful sermon and the wednesday word.
how i wish you was our pastor again you keep it so simple and easy to understand .
my old head tries to analyse and you hear so many different slants from different people but jesus plus nothing frees your heart true freedom. God bless and thanks
J M, England
Sent: 28 May 2020
“Dear preacher Miles,
This latest Wednesday Word has been transcribed and re-
B.H. Michigan, USA
Sent: 03 May 2020
‘He is precious!’ That's title of a devotional that you gave in Jamaica. It impacted my life unbelievably! Praying for you brother!
Pastor SC, West Virginia, USA
Sent: 29 April 2020
Greetings from Malawi, I hope you are well and healthy.
I just want to encourage you that am so much benefiting and greatly encouraged by all your messages which you do send on Wednesdays and also on facebook. I also have red your min-
I encourage you to continue because you are reaching out to many people.
Pastor I. C.
Sent: 13 March 2020
hi Gillian, yesterday my wife and myself watched miles sermon on faith on you tube was a great message and felt like we were at church in this tribulation time God bless your brother in Christ. N….., England
Sent: 28 February 2020
Through your every Wednesday word that you sent to me it as enabled this Church grow spiritually. I make the material into our language then teach them. They are happy for your support brother keep on the good work. Amen
Pastor E M
East Africa
Sent: 6 November 2019
Hi Miles,
Once again, another truth-
I too have preached on this passage, and I have now an added dimension to share as the Atonement reflection had not entered my mind. What I have always emphasized was the HEART ATTITUDE of both of the brothers; Cain, with hardness of heart, and no regard for God inwardly; Abel, with full devotion to the LORD, bringing his sacrifice willingly (also in Hebrews speaking of Christ, who made a sacrifice which was carried out with a true heart of full devotion to the Father).
Anyway just a little encouragement to keep on going!
I am studying the Atonement at the moment, too. It's a subject that is taught by so few, and understood by so few as well. The substitution of Jesus and His holy blood needs to be trumpeted again from the pulpits!
Miles’ reply:
I very much appreciate the note re Cain and Abel. The doctrine of substitution is indeed an often neglected truth in our pulpits. However, it is an essential Gospel doctrine! The entire Bible is about Jesus, His person, work and offices. He, as they used to say, is on every page of the scriptures. I agree with that statement, but alas, I’m not spiritual enough to clearly see Him there. Nevertheless, I put on my ‘gospel glasses’ every time I read the sacred scriptures in hopes of receiving a sharper picture of the Master.
I encourage all my preacher friends to avoid making man the center of their message. It’s not that some good things cannot be said about our Christian experience but we, the believers, are not the focus of the Bible.
I live in Spain and because of our location, I have no access to Christian TV…all except for one channel that brings in one religious broadcast once a week. I listened to this broadcast last Sunday and I have to admit that the speaker was an excellent communicator. He said many good things but he said nothing much about Jesus. It was a good message but, therefore, sub-
That the atonement is neglected in our pulpits demonstrates that the good has replaced the best. It will soon prove and indeed has already proven to be the gospel enemy. Where are the great truths of Substitution, reconciliation, Justification by Grace through faith, the Sovereignty of God, the Blood, the Deity and humanity of Christ etc.? Where is the preaching of the glorious person of Christ? He’s on every page of the Bible though you’d never know it by listening to today’s men.
In addition to this, it often seems to me that many ministers have not yet grasped that the gospel is not the story of what we must do, it is the story of what has already been done and accomplished in history, by the Lord Jesus Christ. Far from being about us or anything we can do, the gospel is about the perfections of person work and offices of the Lord Christ.
The gospel is not about how we behave, it is about Christ’s behaviour in our place and stead. The gospel is not even a demand that we give up worldliness. Indeed, there are no demands at all in the gospel.
One old time preacher put it like this, “The Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed.” He was right! But as preachers, it is easier, at times, for us to demand that the flock obey the Word rather than for us to preach the accomplishment and person of Christ. It’s easier to demand personal righteousness than to hold forth an invisible, alien righteousness that is ours by faith alone.
Nowhere, in scriptures, however, do we find the gospel presented to us as a duty or a call to reformation. So why is our preaching so full of demands and devoid of the gospel? Behavioural demands, unless bathed in and applied to the gospel are a toxic diet to feed the flock of God.
This gospel, by the Spirit, produces godly desires in its hearers and under its preaching God’s people become a grateful people who desire to follow and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.
But enough!
Gospel Blessings to you my brother as you fulfil the Lord’s purpose.
Sent: 28 September 2019
The BLOOD OF JESUS. This book you wrote is not the book like any other books. Our understanding is not the way it was before. We are inspired.
Pastor SN, Malawi, Africa
PS..did u get the letter I sent from JSM?
Sent: 24 September 2019
What a good day in the Lord. We traveled to Tuscaloosa, AL to hear Miles McKee preach the gospel. It was so great to reconnect with him and his lovely wife, Gillian Lawless McKee.
It was 2008 when I first heard Miles preach the gospel and I remember he asked a question, “is He precious to you”. Well I knew that Jesus was not precious to me and I certainly didn’t love him. It was graciously though Miles’s preaching that the Lord saved me. To God be the glory.
We truly love you two! May the Lord continue to use you both for His kingdom.
Miles has excellent resources on his website and many books on amazon
Sent: 1 September 2019
Thank you Pastor Miles for the email, I have not been faithful in reading your messages but I read this one and have been convicted of my sins and I thank you for your service and your faithfulness in sending them! God bless you sir.
Sent: 28 August 2019
I wanted to say thank your today’s Wednesday Word. Nothing I can put into words will express my gratitude to the Lord for reading this email on this particular day!
God bless you. You and yours are prayed for.
By His grace,
Sent: 8 August 2019
Hi, Miles!
For some years now, my husband and I have been enjoying the Wednesday Word each week. There are times when I am so conscious of my short-
May the Lord continue to make your labours profitable for His glory and honour.
Sent: 18 July 2019
Just read the Wednesday Word you sent today. Loved it . I read it out loud with my youngest son.
JB Mississippi, USA
Sent: 17 July 2019
My beloved brother,
Having read your little book, “THE TRUE BELIEVER” I wanted to express my appreciation for such a concise and adequate summary of the great truths of His word to the believer.
We will doubtless order enough to make them available to the saints. It is the kind of writing that is so good for any believer but especially the young.
I thank you for writing it and for making it available to us.
We love you.
In His grace,
Sent: 22 June 2019
Dear Brother Dr Miles,
Thank you so much for sending us Wednesday word:"Jesus, the real bread for the hungry soul" which was so much blessing to us.We are so much grateful to you for precious teaching which helps us lot to know more about our Lord Jesus Christ.We remember you and Sis Galilian in our daily Prayers. Thanking you!!!
Yours in His Grace
Pastor P D
AP, India
Sent: 21 June 2019
I just ordered a copy of Amazing Grace off Amazon earlier today.
The Lord is always good!
Thank you for your ministry. We are always blessed by Miles’ teaching because he always points us to Christ!
Sent: 16 June 2019
Thank you so much for the powerful teaching about the blood of Jesus Christ. I am blessed.
Pastor S.N.
Sent: 13 June 2019
Am learning so much from your books. Thank you. Could you send me a list of your books
So far I've read:
Part One -
Getting into Heaven Before They Close the Door
And I just ordered: Smooth Stones to Slay Goliath and Is Divine Healing Guaranteed in the Atonement?
Sent: 15 January 2015 17:33
To: Miles McKee
Subject: Re: Email from Miles McKee website, In need of some help and advice.
Name: W McM N. Ireland
Dear Miles,
I would really appreciate some help.I am suffering from severe anxiety and depression.I am 41 years old with a wife and 2 young children of 7 and 4. I have been to see a psychologist, psychiatrist, you name it, I've been there!
I hate the way I feel,my wife and parents are worried about me and I just hope my children don't pick up on anything.
I made a profession of faith in Christ at age 19 and I became involved in my church. But after 2 or 3 years my relationship with the Lord began to suffer. I think I may have been involved in too many "Good" things at the expense of my walk with God. I also got involved in a couple of relationships with girlfriends, not at the same time! but we done things which we shouldn't and I drifted far from God.Yet I kept up the going to church,singing in the choir etc. I felt like such a hypocrite.
Now I am at the stage where I hardly know if I am coming or going. I am so confused. I am scared to death of dying!I try to walk with the Lord but I feel so condemned about my past.I feel like I have wasted so many years. I don't know if I am saved or if I ever was saved.The fear of death is onsuming me which makes me worry about my health. It's just a vicious circle.Do you think there is any hope,I would just love to know that I am eternally secure but my mind never gets peace from the doubts and fears.
I know you are a busy man but any help or advice would be truly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
Miles’ reply:
Hi W,
Great to hear from you.
One thing about God is that he loves to be believed. It blesses Him when His children believe what He says. Concerning sins of the past he says that He remembers them no more. Now either this is true or it is not. Each time your past sins rise up to haunt you I challenge you to get on your knees and tell the Lord either one of two things. Tell Him either that the Blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin and you are thankful for this or tell Him that He is a liar and cannot be trusted.
Either the gospel is true or it is not. When we are embraced by the gospel we come to realise that our sins have been taken away. Jesus is the Lamb who takes away all sins. We also realise that no performance of ours can win us the favour of God and no lack of performance can lose us his love.
"Oh how sweet to view the flowing
Of Christ's soul-
With divine assurance knowing,
That he made my peace with God."
Our assurance is not bound up with us or anything we can do. Our assurance is bound up in the fact that we have a saviour who purchased us at Calvary and is now representing and interceding for us.
As believers, we are no longer in unbelief, but unfortunately unbelief is still in us. Because of this, one thing I do most every day is to preach the gospel to myself. You are the best preacher you will ever listen to. Each day wash your thinking with the gospel.
I would like to talk to you…what is your phone number?
Gospel Blessings
Recent email concerning the Wednesday Word:
Re: The Wednesday Word
This is simply perfect. I am happy to know such a man like you in such a time like this. Send me more. The church needs this kind of teaching. Truth has fallen along the way and in the city equity cannot enter, says one of the prophets. Everything has gone wrong with us in Cameroon and objective Bible teaching has been shoved aside, relegated to the background. We need teaching like this. I will forward this to many friends. hank you for upholding the blessed work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many have cheated Him of His glory. No longer is it To Him alone be the glory, but some take part of the glory to themselves. Christ to them is not saviour. He is co-
Also pray for my demanding ministry in Cameroon, West Africa. An effectual door has been opened to me for the ministry and there are many adversaries.
Below is a reply to a gentleman who challenged my creationist beliefs.
Peter, I am not a boffin so I avoid answering the evolution theories by science. However, there are many who have done so, for example the writers at http://creation.com/ You might check them out.
You say that the anti-
In scriptural terms, however, this I do know, Romans chapter 5 makes it very clear that there are 2 men whom God has dealt with in this matter of ruin and redemption, Adam and Christ. Adam was the First man and Christ the Second (1 Corinthians 15:47). All in Adam are lost, all in Christ, (the Last Adam) are saved. Adam was a man, a created man, who sinned. When he fell by sin, all his descendants fell along with him. Why? Because he represented them. He was their Federal Head. By one man sin entered and death by sin (Romans 5:12). If there had been no Adam, as the evolutionists say, then there is no need for the Last Adam, the second man, Jesus the Christ. Thus, under the guise of enlightened scientific thinking, the gospel is attacked.
God sovereignly appointed Adam as the representative head of the human race, so whatever obedience or disobedience Adam chose is automatically imputed to his descendants. When Adam stood before God, he did so as the entire human race. There were no others. Nowadays the human race has more than 7 billion people, but back in the garden there was but one man who comprised the entirety of humankind.
On the other side of things, Jesus is the believer’s new federal head (2 Corinthians 5:17). Christ is the head of a new creation. He represented his people in His doing, dying and rising again. 1 Cor. 15:22 says, "For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive." Jesus represented His people and, just as Adam brought death, so Christ brought life. One man got us into trouble and one man got us out…but not if the evolutionist have their way.
As with Christ, if Adam were not a man, he could not be our representative. If Adam, along with many others, were evolving creatures-
Again, if there were no first man, there is no foundation for the gospel. To say there was no Adam is an attack on the doctrine of representation. It ultimately becomes an attack on forensic justification. It is no wonder that Satan spewed these evolution theories from the pit of hell. He hates both Christ and His gospel. Best to tell people, he reasons, that there was no Adam. If there were no Adam, it lays an axe to the root of the thing he hates most…the gospel truth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
November 11, 2014
Hi Miles!
Blacks come from Ham, the son of Noah, through Ham's son, Canaan.
Noah cursed Ham and all of his descendents.
God ordered Joshua to kill ALL of the Canaanites, women, children, animals, every single one of them.
Did God do that because Canaanites (Blacks) are GOOD? Or because they are Evil?
The Gospel doesn't mean anything to Animals, they couldn't care less.
B.D. New Mexico
Thanks for your thoughts.
Yes indeed Ham was cursed, but we now live in the New Covenant and in this Covenant we discover that Christ became a curse for His people. Are you saying that Christ bore the curse for no blacks? Are you saying that no black man is to be found among the elect? If so, have you scripture for this teaching?
You mention the Canaanites: In the Old Testament, the Canaanites were destroyed, not because of the colour of their skin, but because they were anti Yahweh evil workers. They are a picture of how the Lord will finally wipe out the wicked.
You say, “The Gospel doesn't mean anything to Animals, they couldn't care less.” Am I to take it that it is pointless to give the gospel to a black man? I, however, would contend that the New Testament scripture nowhere excludes the black man, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. John 3:16 loudly declares that Christ died for the world, i.e. people from all nations. The Book of Revelation confirms that the elect will come from every nation, tribe, kindred and tongue (Rev 5:9; Rev 14:6). Are we now to say that the New Testament record is unreliable? God forbid!
Acts 8 tells the story of the Ethiopian eunuch, one of the first Gentiles to be baptized. In all likelihood, he was black. Did Philip make a mistake in preaching the gospel to him? In Acts 13 we read of Simeon, called Niger, (the Latin term for black). Simeon the Black Man was an elder in the Church at Antioch. There was also Lucias from Cyrene: Cyrene was a geographical location in North Africa.
Furthermore, Paul tells us that there is "neither Greek nor Jew, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Jesus Christ" (Galatians 3:26-
Hi Miles,
I enjoyed watching you on Revelation TV. George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards advocated slavery. Justifying slavery, Whitefield said "What God sanctioned in the Old Testament and permitted in the New cannot be a sin." Both men owned slaves and when he died Whitefield bequeathed his slaves to the Countess of Huntingdon. Whitefield obviously believed that a plethora of innocent men,women,and children were to be treated as farm equipment.
Isn't it obvious that these two evil men produced bad fruit?
Best Eddie (Atheist)
PS. Do you think the cold blooded murderer John Calvin is in heaven or in hell? In his autobiography, C H Spurgeon described Calvin as the greatest ever Christian. Spurgeon must have had a very strange understanding of the word love. I hope you agree.
Thanks Eddie,
I appreciate your note. Yes indeed Whitefield and Edwards advocated slavery… which just goes to show us that Christian men can be wrong. None of us are perfect. Indeed, the only perfect man was Jesus the Christ. That is why we need him to reckon his perfections to us so that we can enter heaven. Other Christian men such as Wilberforce and John Newton fought against slavery..good for them...but they each, in spite of their good works, needed the righteousness of Christ freely imputed to them and received by faith as a free gift.
Yes indeed, Calvin did the dirt on Servitus. It wouldn't happen today, but back then, it was common place to burn heretics. I'm told that Calvin repented over this matter,.... whether or not he did, I have no way of saying. Many of his writing are instructive, but we remember that the best of men are but men at best. We are all sinners and all of us need a sinless saviour.
Gospel Blessings
Dear Brother in Christ,
It was a joy to hear you answering questions on Revelation TV last evening.This TV station has been a great blessing to me,but of recent times I have been sad to hear the teaching that a believer can be lost having once been saved.Your answer to peter's e-
With my warmest greetings and sincere Christian Love, D M
Thanks David, your email was and is a great encouragement.
Howard and I are live again tonight at 9 PM GMT. I hope you can tune in.
Most weeks I put out a gospel centred piece called the Wednesday Word. If you
send me your email address I will gladly add you to the list.
Gospel Blessings
Dear Miles,
We were made aware of you and your ministry for first time on God TV when you were in conversation with Howard. My wife Sue and I thought you were inspirational (of the Holy spirit)and inspiring in your faith and your ability to put over the message. I am aware you strongly believe Jesus did it all at the cross...so how do you view the issue of generational curses/ sin etc and the many ministries that hold healing and awareness sessions and "deliverence" from these "curses." My view is that we are a new creation in christ and therefore when baptised and we confess our sin we are "free indeed." I would like to have your understanding on this issue as a struggling Christian who wants to understand more.
Many blessings upon you,
H R , England
Hi Henry,
Thanks for your note. I believe that all generational curses were deal a fatal blow at the cross. The blood has ransomed us from the futile ways and vain manner of life inherited from our fathers (1 Peter 1:18-
I have taken the liberty of adding you to the Wednesday Word, a gospel centred piece I put out every two weeks or so. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Gospel Blessings
Subject: Re: The Wednesday Word: The Man Who Prayed in Reverse April 18 2012
You know Miles, you remind me of me! Your style is succinct and provocative and you write well. I always think this passage brings out the wonderfully human love that Peter had for the Lord Jesus. By this time he must already have witnessed quite a number of miraculous healings and exorcisms, not to mention the Lord's continual preaching of the kingdom of God and he could, I suppose, have reached a point where his honest recognition of his own lack of faith would have appeared quite depressing and seemingly hopeless. When he made the comment, he was clearly embarrassed and despondent about his chances of living up to Jesus' standard. He felt unworthy, just like the man who gives back the prize he did not deserve. Peter was displaying his morality and genuineness of heart that had already been prepared beforehand by Christ. This is what God does to us. He was praying in reverse as you say, but he didn't mean it! And of course our Lord recognized this. By the way the throne if grace is also one of fury and wrath(Matt 25:41).
I like your Wednesday Words; they are excellent and thought provoking. They are by themselves a notable ministry in your hands. Praise God.
D.M. United Kingdom
Thanks David
I appreciate your note.
With respect, the Throne of Grace is never know as a throne of Wrath and Fury. We do well to note that there are several thrones mentioned in the Word. There is the Throne of Glory (1 Tim 6:16) –how wonderful a throne that is, but this is not the throne of grace to which we are commanded to come-
I appreciate your point about Peter but must respectfully disagree with your conclusions. When we compare scripture with scripture we discover that nearness to God makes a man feel undone. This is what happened to Peter. Take, also, Job for example. His friends, despite repeated attempts to, could not persuade Job of his unrighteousness. Then the Lord showed up and Job declared, “Behold I am vile” (Job 40:4). In the light of God’s presence we are undone. As we encounter Him we see ourselves as ruined within ourselves. It is only the ruined man to whom the message of grace and mercy is healing balm. Take the great woe preacher Isaiah. he “woed”all round the place till one day he met the manifest presence of the Lord and then changed his tune (Isa 6). He cried out, woe is me-
Gospel Blessings
From: —––––––-
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:47 PM
To: Miles McKee
Subject: Re: The Wednesday Word: Cleansed By the Blood: Part 5
Dear Miles,
I am not altogether sure you are right in ascribing the sin of murdering Jesus, to all of us. Mankind was guilty certainly and maybe still is, but there were some at the time who could not be said to be at fault eg Jesus' mother, Mary. Don't forget we who are least in the kingdom of heaven are greater than John the Baptist. We were, by divine ordination, born after the ascension. Maybe had we been there at the time sitting in the Sanhedrin we might have cast our vote against the LORD. Have you ever asked yourself why the Great Apostle referred to himself as the chief of sinners(1 Tim 1:15)? Was it possibly because he was the one who crucified our LORD? Certainly he was the eminence grise of the Jewish leadership and very likely the loudest and most strident voice demanding His crucifixion. He was unquestionably the cleverest. Why else would he claim to be the greatest of sinners? You and I are not so burdened by guilt. It seems to me you are expressing a personally held guilt therefore which is unnecessary, because firstly as you point out, Christ has already taken your sin and secondly He has deliberately manifested you in these latter days, so that you need not vicariously apply to yourself this sin of Deicide.
I may well be in error here and await your response with interest. I know that the Lord Jesus through His Holy Spirit, will correct me graciously, should He so determine.
Hi —––-
Thanks for the note. You raise some interesting issues.
If we believe the Bible we must conclude that all have sinned (Romans 3:23). Since all have sinned and not some then this includes Mary the Mother of Christ. She admits this in the Magnificat when she claims God as her saviour (Luke 1:47). Only sinners need a saviour. As a sinner she had earned the death penalty (Rom 6:23) but Christ became her substitute and received God’s wrath on her behalf as He died in her place at the Cross.
Regardless of which side of the ascension we live man by nature is an enemy God (Rom 5:6-
The men who voted for his death were not the only guilty ones. To say this is to minimize the whole matter.Peter tells the multitude in Jerusalem that they were guilty of Christ’s death for they had “killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. (Acts 3:15). Peter does not flatter his hearers; but boldly declares that they had “killed the Prince of life.” This was literally true, and it was needful that they should know and feel it. As Spurgeon says, “There is no gospel without the cross, and no useful preaching which does not appeal to the conscience; yes, there must be the cross for doctrine, and honest rebuke as the trumpet to awaken men’s hearts. Ye ministers, take note of this!”
Paul claimed to be the chief of sinners, not because he had clamoured for Christ’s death-
1) He is growing in grace and see just how wretched a man he is in his natural man.
2) He was the chief of sinners (in his estimation) because he plundered and wasted the church (1 Tim 1:13-
David, when I talk about sin I am not talking about any unresolved personal issues. If you are one of God’s elect you will gladly embrace the cross and the saviour who died there for wretches. Christ came only to save the lost. If a man however does not believe that he needs saving to the uttermost, it is doubtful whether or not Christ came to save him.
Guilty Vile and helpless We
Spotless Lamb of God Was He
Full Atonement Can it Be
Hallelujah what a Saviour
And that’s the Gospel Truth
This letter is in reference to the most recent Wednesday Word
“What you are saying is not altogether right. You say, "nowhere does the Bible tell us that the wages of our obedience is eternal life." Hebrews 5:9 says, And being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. We do not earn eternal life, nevertheless obedience IS conditional to eternal life. You don't make that clear. “
My Reply
Dear Sir,
Nowhere, in the Bible, does it teach that salvation is a result of our obedience. Rather salvation is a result of Christ’s perfect obedience performed on our behalf. He, Christ, as heb 5:9 says, became author of eternal salvation. Are we now to believe that there are two authors of eternal life i.e. the obedient Christ and the obedient follower of Christ? God forbid that we should preach such a thing.
The mark of the elect, however, is that we obey him. This begins with obedience to the gospel. To have saving faith is to obey Jesus. But what does Jesus command? He commands that we, “Repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). This is what Paul calls “the obedience of faith” (Rom 1:5) . Try as we may, we cannot separate saving faith from obedient faith, or unbelief from disobedience ( See Heb 3:18-
Our obedience to the gospel and subsequent obedience to the Lord is the fruit of salvation not the ground of it. In Heb 5:9 the “ all them that obey him” are the elect. The proof of their election is a continued obedience. HOWEVER THIS OBEDIENCE DARE NOT BE ADDED TO THE OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST AS THE GROUND OF SALVATION. Unfortunately, your doctrine is dangerously close to the doctrine of the denomination called the Church of Christ. They however take things a little farther and tell us what exactly constitutes our obedience (baptism in their church etc.).
Again let us state clearly that the obedience of Christ both passive and active has obtained eternal life for us. There is nothing, but nothing that can be added to this. To say that we can and must add our obedience to gain eternal life is to depart from the gospel.
From: Steve
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2011 3:46 PM
To: miles@thegracechurch.ie
Subject: RE: Email from Miles McKee website, Marcus C. Grodi Religionist or Rascal
Ah...I see. So starting with the protestors and passing since to you, you are in a better position to understand, interpret and promulgate God's plan for mankind's salvation then those who had been in direct lineage back to our Lord Jesus Christ starting with his own chosen vicar, St. Peter. And St. John, who walked with Jesus and was at the foot of our Savior's cross, had it wrong too. Luther, Calvin, Wesleyan, and the almost infinite number of "great interpreters" all the way to Miles McKee should be relied upon for "knowing" the truth over the Church that Christ himself founded. And you protestors are so divergent in your beliefs, interpretations of scripture, and worship practices that the only thing that today holds you together, is your break some 500 years ago from the Church that to that point had lived for 1500 years going back to Christ's walk on earth.
Some might say that at least as a matter of livelihood, you are fortunate to have followers who buy your hogwash because evidently, for whatever reason, they do not have the reasoning skills nor the wisdom to look at the total history of Christianity, and pre-
Thank you for the clarification on your position. I will continue to keep you and all of our separated brethren in my prayers.
Miles’ reply:
With respect Steve, you don’t see a thing. You have, it seems, little clue about the history of the Papal religion. the religion which you tout as being the one true communion founded by Christ. One would expect to discover that, if your proposition is correct, the early churches would have bowed to this position and willingly submitted themselves to Rome. This, however, is not the picture history paints. It took Rome 100s of years of bullying and politicking to achieve her self-
Better still why don’t you read the conclusions of the Council of Nicaea (AD 325) on this matter?
The important thing to note is that, apart from settling the question of Arianism and the Trinity, the Nicene Council confirmed certain areas of geographical responsibility for the churches. It did not decree these areas into being, but merely recognised that which was already in existence at that time. If, as you insist, Peter and his supposed successors were the Head of the Church, why then did the Bishops at Nicaea not affirm this and readily declare the Bishop of Rome to be the jurisdictional head of Christendom? But they did quite the opposite. We learn from Canon Six of Nicaea that Rome was considered merely one of the centers of Christianity and not, as is falsely claimed by you, the supreme center. Nicaea, recognised that the bishoprics of Alexandria, Rome, and Antioch were basically on an equal footing Nicaea, it should be recalled, was an ecumenical council attended by the representatives of both the Eastern and the Western churches and thus her canons had universal subscription. So much for your theory of Rome’s ancient supremacy!
Very, very few bought into the error of Papal Supremacy. It was a doctrine that the Bishop of Rome tried to subject others to and didn’t gather much momentum till the days of Leo the Great in the 5th century. Since those days, however, Rome has amassed and invented a great body of lies (history re-
You build your house of cards on the mistaken notion that Peter was the foundation of the church-
Again, as I glance at your faulty view of history, I see you spout the ill-
Clement of Rome: "We also, being called through God's will in Christ Jesus, are not justified through ourselves, neither through our own wisdom or understanding, or piety, or works which we have done in holiness or heart, but through faith" (Epistle to Corinthians).
Ignatius: "His cross, and his death, and his resurrection, and the faith which is through him, are my unpolluted muniments; and in these, through your prayers, I am willing to be justified (Epistle to Philadelphians). Note: "muniments" are title deeds, documents giving evidence of legal ownership of something.
Polycarp: "I know that through grace you are saved, not of works, but by the will of God, through Jesus Christ (Epistle of Philippians).
Justin Martyr: "No longer by the blood of goats and of sheep, or by the ashes of a heifer...are sins purged, but by faith, through the blood of Christ and his death, who died on this very account (Dialogue with Trypho). "God gave his own Son the ransom for us...for what, save his righteousness, could cover our sins. In whom was it possible that we, transgressors and ungodly as we were, could be justified, save in the Son of God alone? ...O unexpected benefit, that the transgression of many should be hidden in one righteous Person and that the righteousness of One should justify many transgressors" (Letter to Diognetus).
You seem to live with the deluded impression that the Reformers brought some new teaching to the Church. The Reformers, however, did not want a new church, they merely wanted to reform the existing church and bring it back to the New Testament gospel. The power brokers of Rome, however, would not countenance this, no not for a moment. To re-
As for the Old Testament being a book about the Church, by what Biblical authority do you claim that? Where’s your evidence from scripture? According to Jesus the OT was a book about Him, not about the church! If you are a Bible reader you will know where that is taught.
However, knowing or not knowing these facts will not matter when you stand before God in Judgment. On that great day, He will not ask you, whether, you are good or bad or a member of Rome or a Protestant. He will, on the other hand, ask you what you think of Christ. Of course, in reality, He already knows all things and will have no need to ask anything. So let me ask, have you trusted Christ Jesus alone for salvation? Have you come to Him as a poor broken sinner whose greatest need is mercy and cleansing? What or Who are you trusting for eternal life? Is there a deficiency in Christ and His cross that causes you to wish to supplement it with good works, sacraments, intercession of the saints and church membership?
May God be merciful to you and give you a heart for the Truth.
comment: Mr. McKee,
I just had the extreme displeasure of reading your exhaustive article on your thoughts, feelings and opinions about Mr. Grodi's conversion to Catholicism.
Why you would take the time and energy to publish such a hostile, bitter and vindictive prose on someone doing so much good for the spread of Christianity is in itself suspect. But in reading the complete article, it becomes clear that your larger problem is with the Roman Catholic Church.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion as is Mr. Grodi or any one of us. I certainly hope you are extremely confident in your abilities to fully comprehend and understand all there is to know about Catholicism. I would think that if you are wrong, our Lord will look very unkindly on your open hate for not only the institution that we Catholics believe Christ himself founded, but on a very caring Christian like Mr. Grodi, whose unquestionable passion, in my opinion, is to help all of us find the salvation in God the Almighty that we all long for.
I will keep you in my prayers and trust that God will use you according to his will and that you will remain open to it. I believe that nothing less than your own salvation is at stake, very much along with all of the rest of us, preachers and laymen alike.
Thanks Steve,
Yes indeed, my problem is with the teachings of Roman communion. When one
reads the positions which Rome clarified at Trent one can not but fail to
appreciate why she anathematises believers like me. Rome, appreciated that
there was no co-
and infused righteousness-
Catholics fail to grasp. Although since the days of Trent men like
Newman have tried to synthesise our contrary views, they, since black is not
white and light is not darkness, have entirely failed.
Gospel Blessings
Miles McKee
Minister of the Gospel
New Ross, Ireland.
From: -
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 4:48 AM
To: Miles McKee
Subject: Re: The Wednesday Word: Dissatified?
Thank you for the Wednesday word. Praying for you guys and the people of Ireland. I'm having a hard time sharing the gospel here in Las Vegas. After sharing with them the only way to be right with GOD, I'm having a hard time in explaining what our response should be. I remember when you were here we were telling people that they have to repent of their sins a put their trust in JESUS. One of the people who used to go out with us no longer does and say we are going to Hell because we are telling people this. Another shoots to lead them in a "sinners prayer". Another tells them to confess with their mouth and believe in their heart. I have been watching a Bible study on TV and he also using the Romans road have them confess with their mouth. I know that Salvation is something GOD does so what do I say to someone after I explain the gospel? Help! Love -
Miles’ response:
Thanks for your note. We are told to repent and believe the gospel. I suggest you read some of the old evangelists like Ichabod Spenser.
Here is a quote from the above article on Repentance-
“Sinners certainly ought to repent, for God commands them to repent. But in my opinion, he does not design to have them understand his command, as having respect only to their own ability to repent, and not having respect to the proffered aids of the Holy Spirit. Such aids constitute one grand ground on which his command is obligatory, and sweep away every possible excuse. No man ever did repent without the Holy Spirit, or ever will; and this is no small amount of proof that no man ever can. Nothing seems to be gained by making a sinner believe that he is able to repent without divine assistance. Such a belief will be very likely to mislead him to a reliance upon his own shattered strength And as to his conviction of criminality for not coming to repentance, surely there is strong ground for such conviction, since God offers him all the ability he needs, — in me is thy help, — let him take hold on my strength that he may make peace with me.”
You can find much more material by Spenser online.
I also recommend that you read Spurgeon sermons www.spurgeongems.org -
Keep preaching Christ Crucified. Urge sinners to repent and believe, -
Gospel Blessings
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 3:06 PM
To: Miles McKee
Subject: Email from Miles McKee website, BS, and I don't mean Biblical
Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
(lesandjill18@verizon.net) on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 at 09:06:25
name: Les Taylor
comment: Are you really serious? Its clear your just another fraud using
religion as a way to dupe people to contribute. Elmer Gantry you're not -
maybe its the suit! Mike McKee Ministries aye. And your religious
authority comes from -
Sheen? Harold Camping (prove it -
Shouldn't you move a little further south to Sarasota, FL with the rest of
the clowns! Besides your family -
followers do you have
Miles’ response:
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 5:12 PM
To: lesandjill18@verizon.net
Subject: Re: Email from Miles McKee website, BS, and I don't mean Biblical Studies
Hi Les,
When did you go off your meds?
Dear Miles McKee,
How, exactly does this continually happen? Every week the "Wednesday Word" seems to apply specifically to my weak self, and some particular situation, whatever it may currently be. This astounds me. The encourgagement and exhortation are greatly appreciated. I share your weekly letter with my list of email contacts. Thank you so much for taking the time and the trouble to send a truly nourishing meal to the sheep each Wednesday. May the LORD richly bless you and your family and your ministry.
In Christ,
KG, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Please do not break. Just 27 words -
"God, our Father, walk through my house and take away all my worries and illnesses and please watch over and heal my family in Jesus name, Amen."
This prayer is so powerful. Pass this to 12 people including me. A blessing is coming to you in form of a new job, a house, marriage, finances, or maybe an answer to something (a prayer, a request) that you have been waiting for. Do not break or ask questions. Does God come first in your life? If so, stop what you are doing & send it to 12 people now. Watch what He does!
JJ Alabama, USA
My response:
Dear Sir-
And that's the Gospel Truth
The following article was forwarded to all Wednesday word readers on June 23, 2010. A response from one of the readers was immediately received. This response plus Miles’ further response may be found below the Wednesday Word.
The Wednesday Word: Sin on Him or in Him?
In this day and age when the gospel is under attack from all sides we must be aware of certain gospel foundations. For example, we must be clear about what Christ being ‘made sin’ means. Was He made sin by imputation or by impartation? In other words, was Christ counted a sinner at the cross or was He physically made into one? The only answer which does justice to the Biblical evidence is that Christ was made sin by imputation and not by impartation. Here’s the problem, if Christ became wretchedly sinful in Himself then it follows that, because of the cross, we become perfectly righteousness in ourselves. Notice the following parallel, “he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (2 Cor 5:21).” He was made sin we are made righteous. In other words, at the cross, Christ was legally treated as if He was actually sinful in Himself although, in Himself, He remained righteous, pure and untainted. Conversely, because of His finished work we are now legally treated as though we are perfectly righteous in ourselves-
Christ was reckoned as sin that we might be reckoned as righteous. If, however, it was our sin ‘in Him’ that caused His damnation then it follows logically that His righteousness ‘in us’ is the cause of our acceptance -
This truth that sin was on Christ, but not in Him is pictured in Abel’s offering, the burnt offerings, the scapegoat and the transfer of sins to the innocent animals etc. Just as sins were imputed or reckoned to these animals, but not infused into them, so our sins were laid on Jesus, but not infused into Him (Isa 53:6). This is not to say that Christ did not suffer and feel the effects of our sin. He took our curse and damnation to the fullest extent, yet in no way did He become a sinner. Only a sinless perfect sacrifice could save us.
In Sunday School classes of the 1800s they taught the children that, at Calvary, there were three crosses and three dying men. One man was dying in sin (the unrepentant thief), another man was dying to sin (the repentant thief), but the man in the middle (Christ Jesus) was dying for sin. The children would then quote the following mantra, “One man had sin both on him and in him. Another man had no sin on him but sin in him; Christ Jesus had sin on Him, but none in Him.” Those children were taught more than some of our dear adults are today.
Our sins were not in Christ they were on him and as such He received our awful penalty. His righteousness is, likewise, not created in us, but placed on us and as such we receive His marvelous reward. Our sin brought Jesus to the cross (Isa 53) but His righteousness will bring us to heaven (Phil 3:8-
God executed His Son because our sin was on Him; likewise, God will glorify us because Christ’s righteousness is on us. Death deserving sin was imputed to Christ and heaven deserving righteousness is imputed to us (Isa 53:11).
This letter was sent in response to my Wednesday Word on the matter of ‘Sin in Christ or on Christ’:
Dear Miles,
I trust you are well. When our Lord made the water wine at the marriage feast, Did he have someone write out some post-
Where in all the Word of God is there a legal term, like “impute” or “reckon” used to refer to Christ being made sin?
If the only thing our Lord anticipated in the Garden was the prospect of being treated as though he were sin, what broke his heart?
If he was not made sin, how could our Lord have been justly punished for sin (Proverbs 17:15).
If God’s elect are not really made perfectly righteous, how can they be admitted into heaven at last (Hebrews 12:14; Revelation 21:27)?
When the Lord declared that Job was perfect, was he merely saying, “I will pretend that Job is perfect?”
Please understand, my brother, that I am not being sarcastic. I have raised these questions in the clear manner that I have because I wish to be clearly understood, not mis-
There is one more thing, about which I hope you can help. -
(Name withheld)
My reply
Dear -
I fully appreciate that you were not attempting sarcasm in your letter. I, likewise, will attempt to be devoid of mischief when answering your questions. It is not my desire to enter into a vitriolic polemic, but rather to examine what it is that you are asking and/or stating. If, in fact, I answer what I mis-
One of the reasons I say this is that having read your letter several times, I’m still not really sure what you are defending or promoting. With respect, there seems to be something of an ambiguity and perhaps contradiction in your statements. The article I wrote dealt with the matter of sin in Christ or sin on Christ. In response, the first thing you tell me is of water pots being actually filled with wine and not being imputed as having wine. In the context of my article, this would seem to imply that you either believe that our sins were not imputed to Christ, but made actual in Him or that His righteousness was not imputed, but rather infused into us (or both).
Furthermore, I'm afraid you have lost me here in your analogy of water pots for I was unaware that this miracle of water to wine pointed to Christ's work at the cross. It may be a picture of regeneration or the joys of new life in Christ, but I see no allusion here to the truth of justification by grace through faith. As you know, Rome incorrectly teaches that we are justified by an infused righteousness and thus continues to thoroughly confound and confuse the truths of Regeneration and Justification. Are you suggesting by your water pot analogy that it is something within us which is the ground of our justification?
In my last letter I addressed your question "Can you point me to some reference, somewhere, either oral or written, in which anyone ever stated that Christ was a sinner?” I pointed to the myriad of Word of Faith preachers who do indeed claim this. One of the reasons I wrote the article was to counteract this wretched teaching from these men. They are in grave error, but at least they are consistent in their logic. They see that infused sin into Christ unavoidably makes Him a sinner. I will say more on this matter later.
I will now attempt to answer question 1, 3 -
(1) 'Where in all the Word of God is there a legal term, like “impute” or “reckon” used to refer to Christ being made sin?'
(3) If he was not made sin, how could our Lord have been justly punished for sin (Proverbs 17:15).
(4)If God’s elect are not really made perfectly righteous, how can they be admitted into heaven at last (Hebrews 12:14; Revelation 21:27)?
(5) When the Lord declared that Job was perfect, was he merely saying, “I will pretend that Job is perfect?”
Let’s deal firstly with question 4 and 5-
When we will be admitted, at last, into the fullness of heaven, we will be admitted in a glorified state. It is then that we will be perfectly and righteously transformed. “When He shall appear we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is’ (1Jn 3:2) -
Since this full conformity to the likeness of Christ is in the future, at the return of the Lord, it stands to reason that we do not have it now nor can we have it by supposed sanctification techniques or by works of the Spirit. The scripture is unambiguous-
If justification makes us inherently righteous by infusion then we must possess enough inherent righteousness to satisfy divine justice and merit eternal life. However, if this is the case, Christ our High Priest is made redundant. If, on the other hand we have, let’s say, half of the righteousness of Christ infused into us, we do not now have enough righteousness to take us to heaven (unless, that is, God has lowered His standards).-
Furthermore, if infused perfect righteousness is ours before the eschaton, then the formula, simul iustus et peccator (at the same time righteous and a sinner), must be rejected. As you know, this was Luther’s battle cry in the struggle with Rome. The Council of Trent revealed that Rome considered Luther's simul iustus et peccator to be a very serious and dangerous threat to their infused righteousness teaching. The Roman Church contended that “justification” means making a man righteous in his own person. They reasoned, “How can God pronounce a man righteous in His sight unless he is actually righteous?” Is this the same thinking you present in questions 4 and 5? Rome holds that a man must be born again and transformed before he can have right standing with God. Yet you ask, “If God’s elect are not really made perfectly righteous, how can they be admitted into heaven at last-
The Reformers taught, and I believe it holds true to scripture, that our righteousness is an “alien” righteousness. It is alien because it did not come from us. It is not our righteousness, it is His. It is an alien because it is outside us, reserved in heaven for us. My entire contribution to salvation is my sin, not my righteousness! Scripture leaves no room for inherent perfection. If indeed we admit that we still sin it follows that the perfect righteousness that saves us must be outside of us. Why? Because, if this perfect righteousness was something that we already possessed, we would not sin. If we are sinners, it must of a necessity be true that perfect righteousness is imputed to us, not infused into us. If all of Christ’s perfect righteousness, on the other hand, is infused into us, we are already perfect -
On another related matter, as you know we are saved by both Christ’s active and passive obedience. It is beyond me then to comprehend how, for example, his active obedience can be infused into us. How does that work? If we must become perfectly righteous in this life how does his active obedience get into us? Is it infused? If so, how? By the work of the Spirit? By sacraments? By personal obedience? How exactly does this work? If you say this perfect righteousness is imputed into us by the Spirit, I ask, for what reason? This righteousness is already ours having already been imputed judicially to us. If you say that it is done bit by bit as a process, then you are admitting that this work is incomplete and imperfect (being that it ongoing). Are we now to trust in an unfinished and imperfect work as the ground of our salvation?
I find no such problems, however, when I accept that His entire righteousness both passive and active is reckoned as being mine. God does not need to infuse justifying righteousness into us to save us. That would be a redundant step since our righteousness is already complete.
Bonar said, “We get everything upon the credit of His name, and because not only has our unworthiness ceased to be recognized by God in His dealings with us, but our demerit been supplanted by the merit of One who is absolutely and divinely perfect. In His name we carry on all our transactions with God, and obtain all that we need by simply using it as our plea. The things that He did not do were laid to His charge, and He was treated as if He had done them all; so the things that He did do are put to our account, and we are treated by God as if we had done them all " I believe he is right on this!
In question 1, you ask where in all the Word of God is there a legal term like impute in reference to Christ being made sin? -
In addition, no verse can tell the entirety of the gospel. The gospel is too great! We agree, for example, that at the cross Christ was made sin (2 Cor 5:21). But it doesn’t say that in Gal 3:13. There it says He was cursed. So which was he, -
Staying with Gal 3 for a moment, in verse 10, we read "For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them." This is forensic language! I say this because I want to stress the forensic nature of Justification. In fact, in this and following verses, Paul is quoting Deut 27:26. The language is forensic and judicial, not ethical and moral. The word ‘curse’ brings us to the law and it's the law that curses. The law is a forensic demand-
Christ, in verse 13, is cursed, not for himself, but for us. If He, on the other hand had taken our sins within Him, then the whole exercise would have been pointless. He would of a necessity have been cursed for Himself and not for us. Again v 13 says "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Notice again, the forensic context! Justification is tied up in a legal declaration and not by any work done within us. Our entire salvation is worked out in accordance with and in reference to the Law. There is no way that His taking our sin or us receiving His righteousness is anything other than by imputation.
2 Cor 5:21 is equally to be taken in a legal sense. Indeed as we read the passage we can see clearly that the context is forensic. It talks about our reconciliation to God-
In Christ the separation between us and God is removed. In Christ we have been returned to favor—we have been legally reconciled! If 2 Cor 5:21 is not a forensic verse, then it breaks with the context of the passage in which it is found and indeed breaks with the entire tenor of scripture, but worse still, it leaves us without a Savior. If He was made a sinner in Himself, logic dictates that He actually became a sinner. We can’t say that he became sin in Himself, but didn’t become a sinner. The truth of the matter is that all lawbreakers are inherently unrighteous. If the reckoning of our inherent unrighteousness to Christ had consisted of the infusing of our sin into him then there is no way that we can be saved. Indeed, the offering of Himself would be unacceptable to the Father for a sin filled offering would have been deplorable.
On another separate but related note, I’d like to ask by what agency was our sin infused into Christ? Was it by the work of the Holy Spirit? I think not-
When something is inherent it becomes our personal property. My unrighteousness is inherent and it is thus mine. Christ’s perfect righteousness, however, cannot be completely infused into me in this life for if it were it would become my personal property. I would then be as perfect as He is (in and of myself)-
But the good news is that our sins did not become His personally by infusion. Other than legally, they were not His sins. Christ was made sin for us in the same way that we are made righteous -
For now, back to this matter of forensic justification in 2 Cor 5:21. I was talking to a friend, a Greek scholar, who informed me that the Greek word "poieo" has so many possible meanings that it is difficult to become doctrinaire on its use. However, it can be as easily translated “bore” as “made.” Both are possible, but in this verse the active voice makes it something that Christ did, “bore” rather than something that was done unto Him “made” by the Father-
Our becoming righteous is from the Greek word, “Ginomai” which means that we ourselves will become perfectly righteous. Since it is middle voice, this means that this can either be dramatic or futuristic. For reasons stated earlier I personally believe it is futuristic. So we see again that 2 Cor 5:21 is forensic and thus deals with imputation.
Salvation is gracious and loving, but is accomplished in a legal framework. This is no New Testament invention for as you know, the Old Testament is teeming with forensic metaphors. I believe I mentioned, in the article, the Scape Goat as a picture of double imputation -
I know you know these things and that you have preached imputed righteousness for years but it would be wise to refresh ourselves as to how else the concept of imputation is used.
Genesis 15:6: "It was imputed to him for righteousness;" i.e. it was so reckoned to him, that in virtue of it he was treated as being what he was not. This of course is but one side of the double imputation that will come at Calvary. Christ was treated as a sinner-
Genesis 31:15: "Are we not counted of him strangers?" i.e. Rachel and Leah were not actually strangers but counted, reckoned and treated as such. They were in actuality family, but were treated as being otherwise.
Likewise, Christ, although not actually a sinner, was treated as though He were. He took legal liability for the elect and became answerable for them at the bar of divine justice. The enemies of the cross would tell us that this is a mere legal fiction and to treat Jesus as a sinner when He wasn’t one is a form of cosmic child abuse. But no matter, Christ is the penal substitute and surety of the covenant.
Leviticus 7:18: "Neither shall it be imputed unto him that offereth it." The benefits gained by the peace-
Numbers 18:27: "Your heave-
These fields etc were reckoned as being theirs-
2 Samuel 19:19: "Let not my lord impute iniquity unto me, neither do thou remember that which thy servant did perversely" -
i.e. do not deal with me according to my iniquity. Shimei had cursed the retreating King and had thrown stones at him. According to the Law this was a death penalty offence. He comes to David and confesses his iniquity. He knows he has sinned, but he asks to be treated as though he hadn’t. This is a picture of us coming to Christ, confessing guilt and asking that our sins will not be reckoned against us. In justification we are treated as being that which we are not. This is no legal fiction; it is, however, gospel truth.
This gospel picture continues and as we see the full story unfold we discover that the request was granted, but David it seems only planned that the promise should last for the duration of his lifetime. And so it is with us, the non-
Psalm 32:2: "Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity"; Non imputation is of the very essence of justification: the believer has sin, but his sin is not reckoned, not accounted to him. We are treated as though our sins were not (see also Psalm 106:31). We have a substitute to whom all our transgression, sin, and iniquity, (that ‘three headed dog at the gates of hell’), have been charged.
Romans 4:3: "It was counted to him for righteousness."-
Romans 4:5: "His faith is counted for righteousness"; i.e., not as the righteousness, or as the substitution for it, but as bringing him into righteousness. The next few verses of Romans 4 all use the word impute’. It simply means to put to one's account. See also Romans 4:6: "Unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works." Romans 4:8: "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” Romans 4:11: "That righteousness might be imputed to them also." Romans 4:24: "To whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead." 2 Corinthians 5:19: "Not imputing their trespasses unto them." Galatians 3:6: "It was accounted to him for righteousness."
In all these scriptures, the idea of reckoning to one what does not belong to him, and treating him as if he really possessed all that is reckoned to him, comes out very clearly. Righteousness is legally transferred to us so that we can appear before God in it, just as if it were entirely ours. It is our—legally. Likewise our sins became legally charged to Christ and they became really His. As Bonar says, “The transference of our guilt to the Divine Substitute, and the transference of that Substitute's righteousness or perfection to us, must stand or fall together.”
In summary, in Romans, Paul not only declares that God justifies the ungodly (Romans 4:5), but that God does this by imputing righteousness to the one who believes Romans 4:3-
If the forensic nature of justification is dismissed and replace by a moral sense i.e. the sinner made righteous by infusion or Christ being made sin by infusion then there is no good news. Justification is made to depend upon the subjective work of Christ in us not on His mediating work for us.
Now to question 2 “If the only thing our Lord anticipated in the Garden was the prospect of being treated as though he were sin, what broke his heart? I reply, there are many things that broke His heart not the least of which was the prospect of being treated as though he were us. You seem to imply that being treated as sin is a minor affair. But how can that be so? He was about to be made a curse for us," and about to face unknown things-
As I understand it, our Lord was under such pressure that from head to feet He was actually bathed in blood. This blood was neither caused by outward blows nor by the crown of thorns, nevertheless He broke out into sweat, and that sweat was sweat of blood when confronted by the horrors that faced Him.
He knew that he would be left to suffer alone and knew that He had to, by Himself, purge our sins. There would be no one to help or to hear-
For Christ to have our sins objectively imputed to Him did not lessen the punishment that he suffered. It was no less heavy and awful than as if the sin had been His personally. He didn’t just appear to be punished, but was in fact and in reality punished for us. Our judgment was laid upon Him by God “For the Lord has laid on Him the iniquities of us all.” Jesus saw what was coming. He weighed it, understood it, took its measure then said to His Father, "Not as I will, but as thou wilt."
In summary, the Lord Jesus was our sinless sin bearer, surety and mediator. We are now made the righteousness of God in Him and He was made sin for us. Both things happened in an objective way, by imputation not by infusion. May melting grace be given to us as we consider these things.
Gospel Blessings
"Miles, if you have time, tell me how you normally deal with Church of Christ doctrine, and explain Acts 2:38, Acts 2:47, Acts 22:16, I Cor 12:13."
BG. Tennessee, USA
The first thing I do with the conservative Church of Christ folk is to take them to 1 Cor 15:1 ff-
Acts 2:38 "be baptized for the remission of sins"-
Acts 2:47-
Acts 22:16 The C of C love this one! but what is it really saying? Is it saying that water really washes away sins? If that is so then every Baptist must be saved-
But back to this verse, if Ananias really meant that water not blood washes away sins then Paul is now, at long last ,being confronted by the gospel. Why then in the name of thunder do we never find Paul preaching or teaching on this kind of salvation by water?
In Romans 10 we see what Paul preached He says, "This is the word of faith which we preach." This is good-
The C of C, you see, conveniently leave out the part in this verse that says "calling on the name of the Lord" But Paul doesn't. In Romans 10:13 Paul says "Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" The New Testament never teaches that a man can be saved by water. We are saved by grace through faith, -
The Greek scholar A T Robertson says of this verse " -
1 Cor 12:133-
Roman Catholic Priest responded to my piece on Christ, “The True High Priest” (for article see HERE)
Below is his letter-
From: —–––––
To: "'Miles McKee'" <milesmckee@comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 12:32 PM
Subject: RE: The True High Priest
In response to Hebrews 4:14 read Hebrews 5:1-
Also, in the Sacrifice of the Mass we are not redoing the sacrifice again, but through the beatific vision of God, which sees no bounds of time or place, joining, at the very moment of the crucifixion our prayers and our personal sacrifices to that of our eternal High Priest -
Read through-
Acts 14:23
1 Tim 3:1, 8; 5:17
1 Cor 12:28-
Mt 28:18-
1 Cor 11:23-
Acts 15:28
Thanks for your comments.
I agree that we must read scripture in its entirety. Scripture is the interpreter of Scripture. You cite Hebrews 5:1-
Evidently these verses in Chapter 5 refer to the Jewish priesthood and not to Christ since Christ, being sinless, did not offer any sacrifice for His own sins (see 5:3). Nor can these verses be construed to refer to any supposed continuing priesthood. The context will not allow this. The old Aaronic priesthood has been abolished in Christ
As you know, the book of Hebrews declares Christ's superiority over angels, Moses, the Old Testament Priesthood and the Old Covenant itself!
The Priesthood and its sacrifices have been abolished. This is taught in Hebrews 10 and I quote,
1: For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.
2: For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
3: But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
4: For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
5: Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
6: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.
7: Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
8: Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
9: Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He takes away the first, that he may establish the second.
10: By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11: And every priest stands daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
12: But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
13: From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
14: For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
15: Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had
said before,
16: This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
17: And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
18: Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
19: Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
20: By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
21: And having an high priest over the house of God;
22: Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
23: Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
24: And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
25: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
The First Covenant is removed that the Second would be established. In this New Covenant we have but one priest, the Lord Jesus (v21), whose sacrifice has already been made in His once for all, unrepeatable act at Calvary (v12, 14). That Christ has sat down demonstrates that His work is finished. All the sacrifices of the Old Testament are done away with. They need not be repeated-
In the Old Testament there was no real remission of sin (v 11). Now, because of Christ's final sacrifice, there is no more remembrance of sin (v17). Christ 's offering for sin is possessed of such perfection and unceasing efficacy that there is no need for further sacrifices for sin. If no further sacrifices are needed then a sacrificing priesthood is made redundant.
The Aaronic priesthood of the Old Testament has been replaced by the order Melchizedek (Ps 110:4, Hebrews 5:6, Heb 5:10, Heb 6:20) of which there is but one priest, the Lord Jesus. We need no other priest. We need pastors and teachers, but no sacrificing priests!
Regarding your comment on the beatific vision, it seems you stand contrary to your church's position. The Roman Catholic Church teaches that,
"The Sacrifice of the Cross is continued on earth through the Sacrifice of the Mass.It is the Sacrifice in which Christ is offered under the species of bread and wine in an unbloody manner. The Sacrifice of the altar, then, is no mere empty commemoration of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, but a true and proper act of sacrifice.The Mass re-
(The Question and Answer Catholic Catechism, 1264, 1265, 1269, 1277).
According to the teaching of your Church, the priest does not merely commemorate the death and sacrifice of Christ, but actually continues his sacrifice through the true and proper sacrifice of the Mass.
Furthermore and with respect I would point out to you that, you differ from the official teaching of Trent. You say "in the Sacrifice of the Mass we are not redoing the sacrifice again," But this is not the teaching of your church. Let's hear what Trent says,
Session XXII: On the Sacrifice of the Mass
Canon I: If any one saith, that in the mass a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God; or, that to be offered is nothing else but that Christ is given us to eat; let him be anathema.
Canon III. If any one saith, that the sacrifice of the mass is only a sacrifice of praise and of thanksgiving; or, that it is a bare commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the cross, but not a propitiatory sacrifice; or, that it profits him only who receives; and that it ought not to be offered for the living and the dead for sins, pains, satisfactions, and other necessities: let him be anathema.
If the Mass is a propitiation and equally so with Calvary then we must conclude that Christ's propitiation on the cross was insufficient! The Father evidently failed when he set forth Christ as a propitiation for our sins!
But such teaching flatly contradicts the teaching of Hebrews 7:26-
"For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; Who needeth not daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered up himself."
Also Heb 9:11-
"But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us."
See also Heb 9;24-
Heb 9:28: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
According to the Church of Rome, Christ is indeed offered in the Mass as a propitiation. But according to scriptures (as we have just read) redemption has already been accomplished. He has already borne our sins, He has already put away sin, He doesn't need to offer up daily sacrifices for the people's sin for this he did once, when he offered up himself.
According to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, the Mass is a re-
"Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God" (Romans 6:9-
The Scriptures are unambiguous-
On another subject you cite several scriptures. I thank you for drawing these to my attention. They are as follows,
Acts 14:23 "And when they had ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed."
I take it that you draw my attention to this scripture to establish the existence of a sacrificing priesthood. But, where does this verse do this? Furthermore, if you could, please name me one elder or apostle who conducted a Mass and show me where they did so in scripture! Beware of the traditions of men being taught as doctrine!
1 Tim 3:1, "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work."
I notice that you exclude the next verse, which if this passage does indeed refer to the Roman priesthood (which it does not) does great disservice to your cause for v 2 says 'A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife,
You list v8 "Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;"
Again, this begs the question for you assume this to teach the priesthood when in actual fact it addresses the qualifications for a deacon.
You also cite 1 Tim 5:17 "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine."
Again, you assume the thing that you are setting out to prove. There is not one mention here about a sacrificing priesthood. The reason for this omission is that no sacrificing priesthood is needed! We now have boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way. We have a great high priest over the house of God. All that stood against us has been removed by Him. The way to heaven is open because Jesus Himself is the way! There is no more offering for sin (Heb 10:18)
You cite Matt 28:18-
18: And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Also you produce 1 Cor 11:23-
23: For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:
24: And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.
Amen! Stick with this, stay with the memorial-
You list Acts 15:28 "For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things;"
I am not sure why you cited this verse. I cannot see the relationship to anything we are discussing. However, have you noticed the next verse (v29)? "That ye abstain from meats offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which if ye keep yourselves, ye shall do well. Fare ye well'.
Abstain from blood! Yet you say that each day in the Mass you drink blood-
Again, thank you for taking time to read my piece on "Jesus, The True High Priest" and for your response. I look forward to hearing from you anytime.
"In Peace let me resign my breath
And Thy Salvation see
My sins deserved eternal death
But Jesus died for me."
Grace alone,
What is your teaching on Lent days?
Hyderabad, India
Dear P-
There is no Bible command to observe Lent-
The good news of Christ's victory in life and death should be kept central the entire year. The cross and resurrection is to be kept at the heart of all we do, not merely at Easter. Likewise, the incarnation should be preached all year-
For people to go around giving up their favorite things and by doing so hoping to obtain divine favor, is to fly in the face of the gospel. If divine favor can be gained by self-
There is only one way only to God-
Grace alone,
Dear Miles,
Since I have listened to you on the radio, you have constantly promoted the belief that the holy bible is truth and needs no sinners like us to mess it up. However, I noticed when you argue against another's position you make generalizations, jumps in logic, or change the translation to suit your agenda. The spirit of the vatican document is the belief that it's members have access to the necessary ingredient for salvation since it is centered on Christ's teachings. It does not state that other churches don't have this ingredient, will not be saved, or that the pope dispenses salvation. It states it can trace it's ancestry back to apostles and christ who were the "original true church." It does not state other churches do not count. Unlike several other churches, it holds the eucharist as an essential part of one's faith. If I am mistaken, please provide the page and line of the released document where it says otherwise.
You have twisted this document to state from your own words that "others do not count."
Did you ever take a class on logic? If I say my house has the necessary ingredient to make a cake, does this mean your house does not? Absolutely not. Shame on you for using the Fox network for your source of documentation. Tell me on what page of the vatican document does it state the others do not count or on what page does it claim the pope is the giver of salvation. We should all be careful not to propogate lies! You told me I should run as fast as I can away from the church. I responded that since childhood my church has promoted Christ as the focal point and savior. I asked you before and I ask you again to respond to me. What specific church teaching should I run from? Please be specific and do not generalize. It is dangerous when one extracts a phrase without considering the "spirit" of its meaning. A non-
For my reply, click here
Good Morning,
I just spent a little over 30 minutes going through your website. Very interesting. I'm wondering if I could ask you what you believe and would love some scripture to back it up.
I am 43 years old, born and raised Catholic. My family is very, very Catholic. But they are what I would call Italian Catholics. Very, very deep into Mary, the Pope, and all the Saints, especially Padre Pio. My family never reads the Bible, just takes the church's direction on life. Tons of statues in their homes of Mary.
I left the Catholic church three years ago. Jesus came into my life in a mighty and powerful way. I will never forget that day when I asked Him into my life, into my heart and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I felt as if the skies above ripped open and an unbelievable Love came pouring down. I haven't been the same since.
My parents just found out. I live in another state so they didn't know till I told them. They are furious. Freaking out. They believe I am brainwashed. They are detested that I don't pray to Mary or believe in her powers. They are furious that my children are not in catecism.
My question is this. Are they saved??? They believe in Jesus, that he died for us, but are they saved?? I know that God will judge them, but if we are to go out and witness, are we not to assess the person's beliefs? I just wonder, How could our Father even look at my mother, for instance, if she puts all her trust and faith in Mary and Padre Pio?? It's an abomination to Him. I pray for my family's Salvation and believe that they will be with me in heaven.
I will patiently wait for your response. Thank you for your work. I will definitely spend more time reading your work.
Thanks you. And have a blessed day!!!
Thanks you for taking time to write to me.
You find yourself in a very difficult situation coming from such a background. For your family, your leaving of the Roman Church was perhaps not so much a theological problem as it was social treason. The only thing they have known in their culture is Romanism.
As to whether or not they are saved, that is not my call! God knows who are his. In saying that, I must also say that I don’t know how someone trusting Mary or Padre Pio or the Pope or the Church (any church) could be saved.
Salvation implies danger. We are saved from imminent danger and that danger is the wrath of God. How can Padre Pio do anything about the wrath of god or how can the Pope avert it. There was only one who intercepted it and he is our Lord and savior Jesus the Christ. He alone, therefore, is qualified as the savior from the coming wrath. How can Padre Pio contribute to this saving work which was completed 2000 years ago?
You must continue to pray that they will see that Christ is all their righteousness.
I look forward to hearing more about how you are growing in the Gospel-
By Grace Alone
“I look forward to hearing your very short program on the radio station I listen too every morning (WIHS Middletown, CT USA ). Your programs are some of THE MOST Inspirational messages I have heard, plus I enjoy your Irish accent. It makes me smile to hear you and I thank Jesus Christ, our Savior, for letting you speak on the radio!!! On your webpage, the link to GETTING INTO HEAVEN is totally awesome!! Yes, I know only God is awesome, but your words, that I'm sure He gave you, are pretty much perfect! or very well put. I am a sinner, but I know Jesus Christ died for me. I thank you and WIHS for allowing us to hear your messages, though brief, every morning!! I don't know exactly the day I became SAVED, as some do, but I know Jesus is in my heart and I count on Him to help with my sinful life. If you ever come to Connecticut, please let us know.
Dear Mr. McKee,
I began listening to your radio broadcast about 2 years ago. I had not got an idea that Jesus was actually God. Now I rejoice to know that my God is my savior.
Hello Miles,
i am responding to your view on the R.Cs...
While i have expressed my views on the subject, and i agree somewhat on you points of view, lets look at scripture.
It is a well documented fact that the catholic church has been covering its behind for centuries, no argument from me there.
That scandals are rife among its rank and file, and that some people (maybe too many) folllow the so called vatican ideology blindly.
Now lets look at the world today and consider for a moment, who is leading people and even the faithful blindly.
Islam comes to mind, the Irish Republican movement, George W Bush and Hitler. Although these are not my personnal favourites.
Everyone has an opinion or an expression to make about all these folks.
Now when i find myself getting dejected with some expressions and opinions, and cannot find a common ground i turn to the BIBLE.
(HOPE) fully i will find something to inspire and most importantly strengthen my FAITH.
So as i always do, i in a random fashion opened the good book at
HOSEA 9:5-
ah i thought this will do nicely
This totally goes with my thinking on the world.
the judge and jury are out at he moment, and they are pondering the the evidence(and there is an awful lot of it)
I/we already know the verdict we thinks, but we dont get to make the final decision.(its that humans being thing)
God has a great memory, ——and i wont make judgements on anyone or institution. NOT MY JOB.
Jesus is my shepherd and guides me away from trouble, but even the wisest goat eats the wrong berry's.
Lets watch, wait and pray for a favourable outcome for all off us when the LORD JESUS RETURNS.
Some kind of a catholic: Australia
Thanks for the note. It raised some issues which I am happy to address.
You say, “Now when i find myself getting dejected with some expressions and opinions, and cannot find a common ground i turn to the BIBLE.
(HOPE) fully i will find something to inspire and most importantly strengthen my FAITH. So as i always do, i in a random fashion opened the good book at -
This, if you don’t mind me saying so, is the exact opposite way in which we should read the Bible. You might, as the old adage goes, open up the Bible one day and read, Judas went and hanged himself’ then open it again and read, “Go and do likewise”.
Scripture is to be read one book at a time. It’s the only way to learn it and have it as a guide. Read it and meditate on what it is saying and you will gain much insight into how God thinks and thus you will begin to know his character.
But why read it? Jesus taught it like this, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4). Maybe you are too busy to read the Bible every day, this can happen but I’m reminded of when a man once made this excuse to a well known preacher and the preacher replied, "My friend, if you are too busy to read the Bible every day you are busier than Almighty God ever intended any human being should be, and you had better let some things go and take time to read the Word."
Again Jesus said, "The Words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
Consider also these scriptural testimonies to the Word
"The entrance of Thy Words gives light" (Psa. 119:130).
"Thy Word is truth" (John 17:17)
"To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20).
The Holy Scriptures ... are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 3:15).
"As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word, that you may grow thereby" (1 Peter 2:2).
I have esteemed the Words of His mouth more than my necessary food" (Job 23:12).
"Thy Words were found, and I did eat Them; and Thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy Name, O Lord God of hosts" (Jer. 15:16).
"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly" (Col. 3:16).
As for it not being your job to make judgments-
Today we frequently hear the admonition not to "judge”. There is now a virtual gag order on those who would speak up against bad doctrine and evil workers. The word judge has been so perverted that to judge anything is now considered, by many, to be anti-
Well, what does God’s word have to say on this subject? Let’s weigh (judge this) by the word for as already quoted, "To the Law and to the Testimony: if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them" (Isa. 8:20).
If we are to think with God on this matter we must not be swayed by the prevailing wisdom of the age; we must rather hold to and agree with what the Lord has said in His Word. So then, is it true that Christians are told not to judge? The simple answer is no! In fact, according to Scripture those who do not judge are more likely to be led astray by false doctrines and to end in grave error.
So what does it mean to Judge? Webster's Dictionary defines the act of judging as "to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises." Simply stated, judging is the process of evaluation that people employ everyday to make determinations of what is true.
But nowadays, when we state clearly what the Word states and these statements involve a censure on the beliefs of others, we are usually inundated with the mantra-
But doesn’t God tell us not to judge? Of course He does, but let’s get the context of what he is saying straight! Matthew 7:1 says "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you give out, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how will you say to your brother, Let me pull out the mote out of your eye; and, behold, a beam is in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-
To whom is Jesus speaking here? We discover this in verse 5 when he says, "Thou hypocrite." Jesus is not forbidding Christians to judge (unless He is calling every Christian a hypocrite). He is warning, however, that we will be held accountable for what we know. In other words, if we know enough about sinful behavior to tell others that it is wrong, then we have no excuse as to why that sin would be present in our lives. This simply means, by way of illustration, don’t lecture people on temperance if you yourself are a drunk etc.
This is consistent with Paul's advice in I Corinthians 11:31-
We are no where commanded not to Judge according to the standards laid down in the Word. In fact it is quite the opposite: The Bible tells us, "But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." (I Corinthians 2:15). This is a far cry from the spirit of the age that tells us we can’t judge. Remember when we Judge we are to evaluate things by the Word. If the Word says it is wrong we must stand with the Word! But, to say we can’t judge is to fly in the face of direct scriptural teaching.
Far from being told not to Judge, we are in fact commanded to judge righteously, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." (John 7:24).
Christ Jesus expects his followers to exercise judgment. Jesus Himself criticized the Pharisees for being unable to judge the spiritual things of God. Listen to some of these pro-
Matthew 16:3: O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern (Judge) the signs of the times?
John 7:24: Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Acts 4:19: But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.
I Corinthians 2:15: But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
I Corinthians 6:2-
I Corinthians 10:15: I speak as to wise men; judge what I say.
I Corinthians 14:29: Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge
Hebrews 5:14: But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern (judge) both good and evil.
Now this brings us to the important question of what a preacher preaches. Paul tells Timothy to, “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee." (I Timothy 4:16)
Notice how that Timothy is not only to take heed to (judge) himself but also to judge the doctrine he is preaching because, and if we say this in its negative form, we see that bad doctrine can damn the soul.
Not all doctrine is sound doctrine. There are doctrines of Devils (I Timothy 4:1); There is the Doctrine of the Nicholatians which God hates (Revelation 2:14-
Then he states; “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” (V 8) He then emphasizes it again by saying, “As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed”. (V9)
These are words which demand we exercise judgment. If any one preaches another gospel be it an Angel an Apostle or even a Pope, let him be accursed! But, these verses are carefully avoided today by those who want to say that we are all one and that we are not to judge the doctrine that is held by others.
The jury is not out on the matter of salvation. Salvation was settled and accomplished by Christ alone 2000 years ago. He does not need the help of the Roman Church with its so called saving sacraments to accomplish His already completed mission. He accomplished it all 2000 years ago and declared it is finished. I, therefore, based on the Word of God, judge the Church of Rome to be the purveyor of doctrines which will damn men’s souls if believed and adhered to. This judgment is not based on subjective feelings but, rather, on God’s unchanging Word.
The Bible presents Christ alone as our only saviour: Rome presents itself as the only saviour.
The Bible presents Jesus as the only mediator between God and man: Rome presents us with a variety of mediators starting with Mary and going through all the saints.
The Bible presents us with ONE High Priest-
The Bible presents us with a finished gospel, a salvation already obtained and accomplished: Rome presents us with an ongoing salvation, a continual offering of Jesus in the Mass as a bloodless sacrifice.
To say these things is not judgmental but it is, rather, to be obedient as a follower of the Christ who has commanded me to “judge righteous judgment!”
John warns us, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits (Judge) whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (I John 4:1). We again read, "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (II Corinthians 11:13-
With there being false doctrine, false prophets, deceiving spirits abroad in the world today we had better learn how to judge!
But this is enough for the moment! My concern is that millions are trapped in the Church of Rome, being fed the lie that they are in the True Church and being steadily poisoned by doctrines which will damn them to Hell. Who will rescue them? Who cares enough for their souls to bring them the pure Gospel of Christ alone, Grace alone and faith alone? Should we embrace the spirit of the age and ‘not judge’ and thus abandon them to their doom?
I enjoyed reading your article on Marcus Grodi.
When Catholic radio first became available in our area, I often listened to Grodi, Haan, Keeting, etal. A couple of things really struck me.
First, these programs regularly had former protestants explain why they left protestantism and came home to Catholicism. Often these people were former pastors.
Although they often claimed to know the Bible, they actually had very weak knowledge of the Scriptures. They look at it now as if they have the best of both worlds -
Second, Grodi once mentioned several difficult verses that caused him to turn from protestantism to Rome. When I heard the verses, I was stunned.
The Bible has some difficult passages, but these verses were not among them. I was shocked that a person would admit that their lack of understanding of these verses played a part in accepting the Roman Catholic Church.
At the same time I realize that the reasons people make these kinds of choices are not primarily academic or intellectual. They are spiritual.
Thanks again for the article.
In the care of His grace,
More than 80% of my neighbors are Catholic.
A priest in our area was murdered a few years ago, and the murder was never solved. Some people suggest that the murder was related to this Latin mass and Vatican II issue.
At a recent neighborhood graduation party I spoke to a Catholic who argues that the current pope is an antipope. As a result this man and his family attend a Latin mass and will not go to the Vatican II mass churches.
Are you familiar with Malachi Martin or Michael Dimond? Martin passed away a few years ago, but Dimond has a website mostholyfamilymonastery.com
When you boil it all down, the essential issue is not whether the priest holds up two fingers or three at some points of the mass. It is not about whether the Catholic priest has been given proper orders so he can do his hocus pocus with the bread.
The major issue is the matter of justification. Your website emphasizes that key word point.
Either Jesus died for all of our sins, or He didn't. Either God declared me righteous based on my faith in Jesus Christ who died in my place for my sins and rose on account of my justification or He didn't.
Many people can see how Jesus died for their past sins, but they have trouble accepting the truth that He also died for all of their future sins too. Here is a good question: "When Jesus died, how many of your sins were future?
Dear Mr. McKee,
I was saddened to see your review of Marcus Grodi's conversion story. I myself am Catholic, and was disappointed in your mean-
In Christ,
Thank you so much for taking time to write to me. I sorry that you think I am being mean spirited when I tell the truth. At the risk of being though to be hard-
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like white washed sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful on the outside, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity( Matt 23:27-
I’m sure you’ll agree that my language regarding Mr. Grodi was much more temperate that that of the Master! Do you also think Jesus was judgmental, mean spirited and lacking in love when He said these things?
It is, we must observe, a sad commentary on the age in which we live when telling the truth and standing up for Jesus draws the criticism of being lacking in love and judgmental.
However, you say you would be interested in knowing what has happened in the past that has brought me to such a hatred of the Catholic Church. The only thing that has happened to me in the past to cause me to oppose the dogmas of Rome is that God, in His grace, showed me, through His word, that Christ alone is my hope, my mediator, my redemption, my Great High Priest, my shepherd, my savior and my life. Your Church, while it praises Jesus actually plunders Him! It does this by saying that He is of course all of those things I listed but He is, in reality, none of them because these saving benefits can only be dispensed by the Church of Rome! Christ, according to this position, has no real ministry or power to save outside of your church-
It is my love for the Lord Jesus and His glory that causes me to be passionate in His defense and zealous in my opposition to those who would rob and plunder Him of the honor due to Him alone!
You bring up an interesting question about the place of good works and the place of faith. You ask me how I explain the passage, Matt 19:16-
So let’s look at that. Did Jesus actually teach that the way to salvation was to sell everything we have? If He did, then if you own a car, a house, a bed or any possessions, you are going to hell. Is that the position you are asserting? I hope not!! But if the “do” in eternal life is selling everything and giving it away then you along with most of us are lost!
So what is happening here? Jesus, in this passage, has met a man who thinks he is righteous by his works. He thinks he is a law keeper; he thinks he is blameless when it comes to keeping the Ten Commandments. So Jesus, the physician of the soul, tells him to sell everything he has. The man refuses thus proving he is guilty of covetousness and thus a lawbreaker. He loves his possessions more than he loves Jesus. He has other Gods before the living and true God. His money is his God! He is the worst type of lawbreaker-
Furthermore, the do’s of the law are good but they can not save. To get to heaven we need a perfect righteousness. We need to be as righteous as God Himself (Matt 5:48, 1 Peter 1:16). But remember, God is holy and uncompromising in His standards! So we are lost, stuck, undone and in trouble if we can not find a righteousness which will satisfy God. But where can we find such a thing? If we can keep the law, that will work! But how in the world do we keep the entire law? James 2:10 tells us “whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” And never mind keeping the entire law-
So where can we find the righteousness which will satisfy God? The answer is it is found in Christ alone! Christ Jesus lived a perfect life. He was not only innocent but was also righteous. He lived, died and rose again as a substitute for His people. But what use is that to me-
Paul confirms this when he wrote; “And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:” (Phil 3:9)
This is no new idea for Paul tells the Galatians that in the Old Testament, “Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.” (Gal 3:6-
Had we been able to keep the law then Christ would not have needed to go to the cross. Thus Paul writes, “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” (Gal. 2:21).
Now, however, that we are saved by faith in Christ Jesus plus nothing we are free to do good works! We, in fact, should abound in good works, but these works are never seen as rivals to the works of Christ in this matter of obtaining right standing with God.
I’ll leave you with a quotation from one of my favorite Gospel ministers:
“Have I then no work to work in this great matter of my pardon? None! What work can you do? What work of yours can buy forgiveness or make you fit for the Divine favor? What work has God commanded you to do in order to obtain salvation? None! His Word is very plain and easy to be understood, "To him that works not, but believes in Him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness" (Rom. 4:5). There is but one work by which a man can be saved. That work is not yours, but the work of the Son of God. That work is finished.” Horatius Bonar
If you wish, I will send you a more detailed answer on the place of faith in receiving the righteousness that Christ has already obtained for us.
Mr. McKee,I am a man born and raised as a Roman Catholic, yet "Born Again" by grace through Saving Faith given by God alone (Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus) at age 34. Though I had been through all the Catholic formalities: 1 year leading to first communion, 1 year leading to first confession, 1 year leading to confirmation, etc. I never truly knew about the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation. I never really knew about the Pope's ability to speak "ex Cathedra". I never really knew about Mary as intercessor to God. Etc. When I discovered these doctrines in my mid to late 20's I left the Catholic Church. Later, God took my "head" knowledge of Jesus Christ and God's plan of salvation and put it in my heart with saving faith in Jesus. Interestingly, I came to "head" knowledge when I was on a 7 month military peacekeeping deployment to Israel and Egypt and had time to study the truth. I was an Army Infantry Captain at the time.As an ex-
Dear Miles,
I just want to commend you on that excellent essay about Marcus Grodi. As a former Roman Catholic, I really appreciate someone standing up for the truth. I don't know why other Protestants aren't as informed or outspoken as you about him as you are. I believe that this man is leading thousands straight to Hell. How ironic that as a Presbyterian minister he was afraid of doing just that! I continually hear from Protestants, "Catholics are now studying the Bible you know". This is absurd. The only way they "study" is through the eyes of Rome or Marcus Grodi or the likes of him. Why is it that protestant denominations are so afraid of saying anything negative about the Roman Catholic Church? I do attend an Evangelical Presbyterian Church which teaches the truth but they just seem to ignore what's going on all around them. Thanks again for the encouragement. I'm glad to know someone who understands how dangerous this cult is, and I don't dare mention it's a cult or I'm being judgmental!
Blessings to you,
My wife and I did our morning devotional using your page on the Solas. Thank you so much! It was inspiring.
We Have been printing your writings on the deity of Christ and also the ones on his humanity and giving them to people we are working with. They are very helpful.
SB: England
I read your article on what is the gospel? And you know something? I agree with you 100% even though I have been guilty of telling people to ask Jesus to come into their heart. But the power is in God's Word not in the preacher. (i.e. the efficacy of the Word is not dependent on the purity of the teacher). I will indeed in the future give it more thought when I present the gospel message. Thanks!
In His grip and service.