1036 Ridgecrest Dr., Dickson, TN 37055
, County Wexford, Ireland
Miles McKee Ministries
Romanism! The Great Stand Between!
D.G. MilesMcKee
1)The Church of Rome stands between the Word of God and us.
She claims the authority and power to give or to withhold the Word of God. She, in her long history, has relentlessly caused Bibles to be burnt and destroyed. She now allows her people to have the Bible, but she tells them that they cannot understand it. Only the church (Roman), they say, has the key to unlock the meaning of the sacred text. Yet the Bible is clearly understood by believers without the mediation of the papal scholars ( see 1 John 5:13; 2 Timothy 3:15).
2)The Church of Rome stands between the finished work of Christ and us.
We know by Scripture that we are justified by faith. However, the Church of Rome says, "No, it´s by faith and works together" that justification is accomplished (but see Ephesians 2:8-
3)The Church of Rome stands between the sacrifice of Christ and us.
The sacrifice on the cross of Calvary was offered once for all and once forever. It was entirely accepted by the Father and can, therefore, never be repeated. However, Rome paints a different picture. She teaches that the sacrifice of Christ is repeated again and again. It is, according to the Papal communion, repeated multiple times in the Mass every day of every week of every year. Christ is continually called from His throne and changed into a wafer and wine, to be offered for the sins of the people (see Hebrews 7:27: Hebrews 9:12; Hebrews 10:12).
4)The Church of Rome stands between us and the priesthood of our Lord.
"We have a High Priest who is passed into the heavens."His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. But the Church of Rome says, "Yes, it may be so, but we must have a priest between us and Christ the great High Priest.” She insists that her priests must stand between us and our High Priest, Jesus. They insist on our confessing to her priests. By such confessions, they have exercised tyrannical control over the flocks that take her claims seriously (see Hebrews 2:17; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 6:20).
5) Again, the Church of Rome stands between us and our believing brethren.
We read. in Scripture, " Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen" But the Church of Rome says, "No, assuredly no; unless you are part of our Church, salvation is not for you.” I suspect there are some true believers in the Church of Rome. However, in the light of these facts, why they remain in fellowship with Christ deniers is a mystery (see Ephesians 6:24).
To recap:
Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:17-
And that´s the Gospel Truth!